This is how it works....
RIIAB means Residual Income In A Box
It's a system with Member to Member Payment. That means that it is direct payment to personal accounts and not to any third party or admin or internet site.
All you need to be part of it is just N4000 only. You pay it to the bank account of the person that referred you to the business. That person is the one that will approve your registration after receiving alert of your payment to his/her bank account
When the 3 person join under you, your total earning is N12,000 You will then use N8,000 to upgrade to level 2. This time the upgrading money goes to the upline of your upline. On receiving the alert of your payment, he/she will approve your request to upgrade to level 2
In level 2, you earn upgrades of the people in your level 2. They are the downlines of your 3 downlines. They are 9 people in number and they will pay N8,000 each to your own bank account. The total is N72,000
You will now use N40000 out of the money to upgrade to phase 2. You pay your level 1 upgrade money to the bank account of your level 1 phase 2 upline up.
At phase 2 , you earn a total of about N120000 Out of that money, you will take N80000 to upgrade to phase 2 level 2. Once the alert of your payment is received, your upline who received it will now approve it for you.
The program ends at level 2 of phase 2 where you generate a total of N720,000 within few weeks
You need Just 3 people to work with!
level 1 = 3 people
level 2 = 9 People
upgrading fee on each level
level 1=#4000
level 2=#8000
Your income on each level
level 1=#12000
level 2=#72000
level 1 = 3 people
level 2 = 9 People
upgrading fee on each level
level 1=#40000
level 2=#80000
Your income on each level
level 1=#120000
level 2=#720000
Note :-
money is paid into members by members account or collect by cash in this business
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